

Subscriptions and Caps

2024 / 2025 season

To join us out hunting, please book in with Hon Secretary, Penny Rendle via email:


Mrs P Rendle,1 Burton Close, Burton, Christchurch, Dorset BH23 7NF.  
01202 478597 or 07775 722795


Single £850
Joint husband & wife or couple living at same address £1,425
Family (One Adult and Two Children from the same family) £1,000
10 Days (10 Day Tickets also include free access to all Meets before Opening Meet) £500
Young Person ( 16 yrs & under )  £350
Young Person (17- 20yrs) £550
Young Person (21 – 25 yrs) £650
Foot follower single £80
Foot follower couple £135
Subscriptions are personal and not transferable.  
Hunt Club subscription (members by invitation only)     £75


Reduced Day Cap rates below apply up to & including 15/10/24:  
Adult (21 yrs+) £30
17-20 years of age £20
16 years or under  £10
Day Cap rates below apply from Opening Meet (19/10) to Xmas Eve:  
Adults (21 yrs+) £45
17-20 years of age £30
16 years or under  £20
Foot follower £5


Subscriptions are due when you come out mounted for the first time.  However, if you are new to the Forest and are uncertain about subscribing, you are welcome to come out on payment of a day cap which will be taken into account if you later decide you would like to subscribe. 

Standing Orders Riding Subscriptions (except 10 day) can be arranged on a monthly basis. 

The meet card will be displayed on our website, or by contacting our Secretary.

All members and subscribers must have personal riding insurance.

Please make all cheques payable to NFH and send to Mrs Rendle at the above address, or by BACS Barclays Bank, New Forest Hunt Account, Sort Code 20-53-53, Account number 10660833

Riders will be required to book in and if not subscribers or ticket holders, will be advised to pay in advance. There is a preferential booking process in place for subscribers.  

Please do not challenge the income of the New Forest Hounds by offering an inadequate "donation" or insult your fellow hunters by trying to hunt for free or by paying less than them.

Contact the Honorary Secretary
